Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Cedar Church is a ministry of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). The OPC was founded in 1936 as a Presbyterian denomination that would faithfully preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Scriptures.  There are currently 323 congregations, including 50 mission works, and 534 ministers serving our 38,831 members.  The OPC administrative offices can be found in the Philadelphia suburb of Willow Grove, PA.  The OPC serves 16 regions called 'presbyteries' throughout the entire United States and Canada.  Cedar Church belongs to the Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario which consists of 28 congregations. 

The word "Orthodox" does not refer to any connection with the Greek or Russian Orthodox Churches. Rather, it comes from the Greek language - ortho means "straight" and -dox means "thought". The OPC works hard to think "straight" about God and his word.  Our ultimate authority in this task is the inspired scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. We also subscribes to the Westminster Confession of Faith & Catechisms.  

To learn more about our denomination, click below:
Our Denomination's Website | Our Presbytery's Website